Has working from home changed your personality?
“The topic for #DigiBlogChat on Tuesday, August 24th was Introvert or Extrovert and has WFH affected your personality? with @FinolaSloyanPR! Join us on Twitter each Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. PDT for #DigiBlogChat. My partner for these chats is @LazBlazter.” – says Carol Stephen
Questions from 1 – 10:
Q1. Do you consider yourself an Introvert or an Extrovert and has #WFH affected or altered your personality type?
Q2. Introversion implies shyness and extroversion, gregariousness. Has WFH suited the former and perhaps allowed the introvert to shine in situations it may not have had the opportunity to, in the past?
Q3. A natural extrovert mixes well in any social situation, is outgoing and looks for social interaction. Typically, they are the person holding court in a social setting. How has this translated into an online setting on Teams, Zoom or other audio platforms?
Q4. Do you agree with introverts being described as shy? Why or why not?
Q5. One of the regulars in #DigiBlogChat said, straight up, “I’m an extrovert and WFH is so much better than trying to work in a noisy and disruptive office. And due to being an extrovert, a lot of the noise and disruption was from me!” Do you miss the buzz of the office?
Q6. Changes have been noticed in the demeanor of the extrovert in the time they have had to WFH. How, in your opinion, has it affected the extrovert’s personality and attitude?
Q7. Getting time back has been one of the big positives, if not the biggest, of having to WFH. In this time, what have you learned about your personality and have there been any surprises?